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May 2022 Newsletter


Want to be a part of making Obsidian Giant great? This is the section that will tell you how to do that each month.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

And the winner is… Elliot Joseph Pippin!!!

Not only did we get this fantastic review, but we also got the pleasure of Elliot’s company for a little while when the loot was retrieved. We honestly didn’t think about how difficult it would be to spend exactly $50, but it was managed perfectly! We really hope that Elliot enjoys the OG swag and the books, and we can’t wait for a new review - either in person or on one of the sites once everything is read!

We’ll be thinking hard about a new contest for next month. If anyone has suggestions for contest ideas that will be fun for participants and attention-grabbing for OG, please let us know!


No giants at sci-fi valley:

In last month’s newsletter, we stated that we would be attending Sci-Fi Valley Con in Altoona this year in June.

Unfortunately, due to several unexpected matters arising, we’ll have to delay this until next year. Please refer to the “What is Coming up Next” section of the newsletter to find out how we’re making up for it!

what we’ve been up to:

A Tale of two geeks *cough* I mean authors:

An interview between J.V. Hilliard, author of the Warminster series, and Jay is up and live!

We met J.V. at Steel City Con in December 2021 when he noticed Jay was cosplaying as his own character. This led to us talking, realizing how much we all had in common, invitations to Star Wars watch parties, etc. Now the interview is in the bag, we have a wonderful new friend, and you can watch some real author interaction in a professionally produced interview. Check it out and let us know if you have any suggestions for possible future interview topics between these two!

what is coming up next?

OG is on the move:

As promised in the corrections section above, the first thing we’re doing to make up for not attending Sci-Fi Valley Con this year is our attendance at our very first out-of-town convention!

It’s actually a few weeks before the other one would have been. Thy Geekdom Con is held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at 100 Station Ave in Oaks, PA. Tickets are only $40 pre-sale or $45 at the door for the ENTIRE WEEKEND!!!!! It starts Friday, May 27th at 3:00 pm with events until 10 pm that night. It continues Saturday at 10 am and goes until MIDNIGHT!!! Sunday is only 10-6, but everyone will be so tuckered out by then that we’re okay with that!

There are tons of events, guests, costume contests, a masquerade ball, and more vendors than you can shake a stick at. Although, if you have a stick as part of your costume, we’d like to see you try. We’re looking forward to meeting a whole new group of people, but would love to see some friendly, returning faces as well!

already planning for next year:

Well, it was accidental. We tried to sign up for Memento Con so we could give everyone more Giant goodness, but the convention got pushed to 2023.

That being said…we will be at Memento Con in 2023!!!!! This one is the sister con of Sci-Fi Valley and is right in downtown Pittsburgh. We have the table already assigned and can’t wait to see you all there the weekend of August 5th, 2023!

Are you ready?

For another SCC?!?!?!?!

This will be our fourth official appearance at Steel City Con, and it brings us full circle. Our very first con ever was August SCC, 2021. Make sure your calendar is marked and you’re ready! In addition to being able to procure all your necessary Obsidian Giant swag, the media guests continue to be insane for a con that some consider “small”. I’d be shocked if SCC didn’t hit the top 5 within the next decade!

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